Monday, August 26, 2013
Ferragosto, vacanze, mare....all things we cant do
So this past week was a little harder for us because there was ferragosto and everyone went to the sea but that's okay. We still did fairly well for having had all of that happen.
This week we have decided to go for the goal of teaching 30 lessons. In this mission 30 lessons is something very difficult to do...especially considering the distances and what not. This goal has really pushed us this week. We are at 12 lessons right now and we will be at 15 tonight(the number of lessons that the mission has set as a goal for everyone to teach each week...We are ahead of schedule!)
We have had to a scambio with our young men because we had 10 lessons set up on Monday. It was soo much fun. We are going to very busy for the rest of the week.
Enjoy the pictures....one is me with my cool hair, one is with me at Livorno, and the other one is the black that my comp gave me. I guess 3 transfers together is too much for...just kidding. What really happened is that we were playing basketball and my head hit the back of his head and I got a black eye from it.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Where am I.....?
This past week was a doosy! We ended up doing 3 scambi. I was with the Anziani on the other side of Firenze, the Anziani from Livorno, and the Anziani from Pisa. We left Monday morning and we got back a few hours ago. It was crazy! I cant remember where I have been nor what I have done.
The temperature is cooling down which is really nice.
Our week was good. We ended teaching 18 lessons which was good considering we only 3 and 1/2 days to do it. We got a new investigator named Fredy. He is a 19 kid from PerĂ¹. He is so cool! We will see him again tomorrow. The work is going realllyy well here. Its going to suck to leave. So there is a good chance that I will open a new area and train next transfer. I'm not too keen but its ok.
Tomorrow is Ferr'agosto which means there will be no living soul in the streets of Firenze. Pretty much its a day where EVERYONE goes to the sea. So it will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. I'm pretty sure not much will happen.
We went to an outlet mall earlier today and it was ridiculous. There were stores such as Prada, Gucci, Armani, etcc....and did I eat a slice of humble pie....Everything was insanely expensive. There was a suit that was discounted from 3000 to 2, 500. It was crazy. MY comp and I felt out of place.....however we were dressed nicely enough that people thought we worked there :). Anyways, have a great day!
Monday, August 12, 2013
I'm tired....
So we have been so BUSY! We ended up teaching 20 lessons last week which was crazy! I haven't done that since I was with Anziano Boscia!
We then drove to Milano met with the President then we went on a Scambio with the Assistants, one of which is my old comp Anziano Money. Driving in Milano was probably the craziest thing I have ever done. There was one street that I drove down that also was a tram trolley railway. You could slide all over the place. It was crazy.
While in Milano Anziano Young told me that we were going to teach a man named Omar. He said that he was a little weird. I then started to ask him questions about Omar. He started to sound like a man named Omar that I taught over a year and 5 months ago when I was in Milano. We got to the appointment and it was HIM! It was crazy! I taught him n my 2nd transfer and then I go see him in my 14 transfer! It was crazy! It was really cool. m
Everything is going well. There have been some crazy changes that have been made in our mission. Mainly just little changes that are effect a lot of what we do.
I'm really tired. Driving takes it out of you. We went to a place called Boboli gardens today. It was owned by the Medici family here in Firenze. It was a HUGE Garden.
I'm pretty sure I will open a new companionship and train next transfer. That will be fun. Enjoy the pictures of my comp and me. The karate picture was in Boboli gardens
Monday, August 5, 2013
I dont know what to title this email....
So this week we were pretty busy-ish. We had to get tons of stuff ready for the zone and what not. We still ended teaching 15 lessons(the goal of the mission for every companionship). All of our young men went to the temple this week so we are super excited about that.
We went to Prato for a scambio yesterday. It was really fun. I got to meet my second Grandson!!!! SO let me explain, my son is Anziano Walker because I trained him. He trained Anziano Hilliard(my first grandson) and now he came to my zone and he is now training Anziano Orso(my second grandson). I feel honored! I got to meet him. He is really cool! He is a new convert. He was baptized march of last year! He is a cool kid.
Next week is going to fly by. We got to Milano on Monday next week and we wont come back till Tuesday night, and then we have to train missionaries on Thursday and then we will have a normal week.
We found some new investigators last week and they are pretty sick. One of them is from Peru. He is really cool and he is really open with us.
I'm not sure what else to write, the week was good!
Have a great week!
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